The Family

In two diorama works, the nuclear family is represented by common symbols.

In one, they stand by the side of an empty road, without agency, thumb out for a ride in someone else’s reality. Ahead and behind them, their doppelgangers are also alone, the same empty gesture;  yet in the double mirror there is an illusion of closeness that is just the circularity of self-reference.

In the other diorama, the family has come upon a slaughter.  They are rendered as in the moments of discovery. His reflexive but empty gesture of protection, she fixed in an imitation of normalcy, their child kept back but peeping through the gap between their ritual responses, absorbing the reality.

Materials:        foam board, mirrors, sand, paint

Size (cm):        50 x 60 x 40

Price: nfs


Mother of Queens


Yin Yang - Realization