Canada Day Weekend
Custom and heritage bike and car show, a great draw in any Ontario town.
Long weekend in July, the Victoria Day public holiday. Everyone is downtown, drifting around. A chatter of greetings and gossip reflects and refracts from the shop windows of Queen Street in Kincardine.
Mobile phone cameras peep and squawk. Men amble or stroll among the much-loved machines with gleaming paint and sunshine on chrome. You’ll see nods of appreciation to watchful owners lounging nearby.
Girls line up for painted tattoos in the gentle turbulence of humans big and small, young and old, swirling indecipherable patterns in the summer sun.
I've talked to the people who put this summer occasion together. After an hour or so washing around in the crowd and a cold beer in the pub, it comes home to them that all this is a good-enough reason for all the work it took.